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Steven Cary and Sean McBride

are getting married

  • In San Francisco
  • At the Julia Morgan Ballroom
  • On September 6, 2014
Photography by Gavin Farrington


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Our Story

For this static copy of our website, we've replaced some of the more personal content with placeholder text.

Before Sean

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent sed lacinia eros. Donec odio tortor, ultrices a posuere vitae, placerat non ex. Aliquam sit amet ex egestas, dignissim nibh eget, viverra erat. Integer quam lorem, fermentum id augue id, lacinia commodo tortor. Nullam rutrum tortor sit amet eros vestibulum lobortis. Vestibulum sed sodales leo. Praesent dignissim volutpat quam.

Before Steve

Donec elementum feugiat rutrum. Phasellus sed magna nec arcu laoreet imperdiet et sed massa. Aliquam eleifend dictum libero, sit amet posuere mauris euismod et. Ut accumsan congue odio, ut hendrerit leo. In in rutrum orci, et pretium dolor. Morbi porta augue vitae eleifend tincidunt. Sed elit ante, blandit eu lectus at, pulvinar vestibulum est. Sed et eros et diam cursus hendrerit. Sed imperdiet.

How They Met

Sean and Steve

Morbi sagittis fermentum gravida. Donec a consequat ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec mi est, euismod sed metus eu, condimentum fringilla tortor. Nullam sit amet est suscipit enim congue volutpat quis vitae dui. Nam faucibus sodales enim, id egestas quam dapibus scelerisque. Suspendisse interdum, nibh in accumsan dapibus, risus leo ultricies leo, faucibus imperdiet sapien nibh vitae leo. Curabitur tincidunt lobortis turpis, vel interdum massa elementum sit amet. Maecenas mattis ac justo vitae euismod. Morbi malesuada luctus augue nec tempor. Proin non purus neque. Donec pulvinar metus sed dapibus bibendum. Vestibulum ut dui nibh. Etiam finibus vitae nisi id varius. Duis sagittis sem at sem interdum porta. Sed posuere enim a orci commodo blandit. Morbi viverra turpis sed varius sollicitudin. Suspendisse sit amet facilisis libero. Proin scelerisque iaculis cursus. Sed condimentum odio vel.

The Proposal

Sean and Steve

Maecenas rhoncus eu lectus auctor vehicula. Sed interdum sapien leo, id ullamcorper augue commodo eget. Praesent vitae nibh faucibus, laoreet quam non, sagittis arcu. Sed non mi quis mauris eleifend lobortis euismod et leo. Nunc fringilla sem augue, ac blandit dolor cursus vestibulum. Donec non sem nec nisi pellentesque aliquam vel vel ipsum. Praesent mollis leo fringilla massa semper, non gravida diam interdum. Mauris et iaculis justo, nec consequat ex. Nunc consequat ante in lorem mattis sollicitudin. Sed cursus quis tellus sit amet rhoncus. Sed dapibus tempor urna, dictum facilisis diam euismod non. Sed augue ligula, vulputate quis eleifend nec, commodo non orci. Morbi ac felis congue, dapibus ipsum tincidunt, mollis ipsum. Etiam tristique libero et fringilla imperdiet. Proin pellentesque, dolor ac bibendum interdum, erat eros accumsan eros, non pellentesque tellus lectus nec nunc. Nulla laoreet ullamcorper consectetur. Vivamus efficitur mauris sed aliquam semper. Aliquam tempus nullam.

Aliquam suscipit est a varius dapibus. Quisque non magna est. Ut sagittis arcu ac fringilla fringilla. Donec diam tellus, interdum vitae sollicitudin nec, molestie vel mi. Fusce interdum vitae erat a pellentesque. Etiam vel malesuada turpis, eget commodo dolor. Morbi pulvinar massa sed sollicitudin aliquam. Integer vitae nisi sem. Maecenas ut dictum lectus. Praesent risus felis, posuere et sem in, faucibus ultricies augue. Vestibulum ullamcorper nisl lorem, at feugiat nunc consequat et. Fusce tristique lacinia magna, id faucibus massa imperdiet ac. Aenean lacinia porta lorem, id viverra nisl consequat nec. Sed in ante eget augue tristique finibus id at tortor. Etiam eu ante quam. Pellentesque vitae lacus diam. Etiam posuere lacus est, eu imperdiet erat consectetur eget. Curabitur rhoncus interdum mi. Donec orci aliquam.

Sean and Steve

In pharetra justo sollicitudin auctor commodo. Nam ultrices ex sit amet arcu mattis, non facilisis sapien iaculis. Fusce ac volutpat dolor, eget semper magna. Sed lobortis a purus eu blandit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc facilisis metus id neque tristique, sagittis tristique urna efficitur. Nulla sagittis convallis tellus eu vehicula. Nullam at metus malesuada, consectetur dui non, euismod felis. Praesent luctus magna metus, eget ultrices sem imperdiet non. Donec volutpat elementum nunc, vel porttitor elit bibendum gravida. Nullam tellus purus, varius vitae orci nec, ultricies molestie risus. Ut blandit condimentum nisi a mollis. Nullam nec efficitur mi, tincidunt finibus lectus. Donec at rhoncus lectus, quis iaculis mauris. Fusce sit amet tempor ipsum. Integer malesuada, nisl iaculis lobortis interdum, arcu sem vestibulum felis, tincidunt elementum velit sapien elementum sapien metus.


Sean and Steve

Duis molestie mi blandit, tristique odio ac, viverra lorem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec aliquam turpis vitae placerat tincidunt. Morbi eget placerat sapien. Sed malesuada massa quis egestas auctor. Duis commodo tempus lorem sed dictum. Quisque vel sem non nibh pellentesque interdum eu sit amet mauris. Etiam tincidunt mi nec gravida finibus. Cras vel mauris dui. Aenean aliquam nisl eros, nec sodales tellus auctor eget. Curabitur ut dignissim eros. Pellentesque quis nulla dapibus, tempus lacus nec, tincidunt ipsum turpis duis.

Wedding Party

For this static copy of our website, we've replaced some of the more personal content with placeholder text.




Cras sit amet volutpat diam, sed ultricies dolor. Sed mollis mi sit amet nunc egestas, ut mattis nisi lobortis. Curabitur dapibus varius mauris sed tristique. Praesent tellus orci, tristique id risus id, condimentum mattis eros. Pellentesque in sem lobortis mi semper faucibus. Pellentesque pulvinar aliquet nulla nec feugiat. Nulla condimentum ex vitae sodales dapibus. Pellentesque efficitur rutrum lorem vel feugiat. Vestibulum at molestie lacus. Curabitur cursus ultrices lacus id feugiat. Nullam vel tellus sed metus porta elementum luctus non nunc. Morbi posuere lobortis justo in dapibus. Nam tincidunt lorem vitae mi feugiat, at vehicula sem elementum. Nulla felis metus, pellentesque vitae nulla in, consectetur pharetra ipsum. Morbi tempus rutrum mi sed ultrices. Vivamus consequat eros ut euismod molestie. Sed eget lectus leo. Morbi magna augue, auctor vitae nisl nec, ullamcorper consequat nisl. Proin scelerisque mi dui, quis gravida odio volutpat.

Steve's side

Camden — Best Man


Integer feugiat nunc vitae nibh accumsan, eget blandit odio commodo. Praesent imperdiet tempor nunc id molestie. In sit amet facilisis purus. Nam venenatis dictum risus. Pellentesque eget facilisis ipsum. Praesent quam tellus, varius quis augue rutrum, mollis interdum mauris. Aenean nec arcu congue, dignissim tortor a, maximus est. Vivamus a pellentesque nulla. Nam vitae turpis vel quam pulvinar facilisis id quis leo. Morbi eu nunc eu dui ultrices laoreet sed vitae ipsum. Sed quis hendrerit nisi, nec malesuada orci. Pellentesque vel mi massa. Nam non elit sed purus viverra condimentum at sed arcu. Praesent commodo orci quis vehicula feugiat. Proin sit amet ipsum eget lacus maximus dignissim in a lorem. Phasellus fringilla odio quam, vel sagittis amet.



Morbi ligula augue, maximus nec dignissim et, pretium sit amet mi. Maecenas nec mi quis ipsum ullamcorper gravida in eget erat. Phasellus id sem placerat, eleifend lorem in, pellentesque enim. Aenean id fermentum nisl. Proin ullamcorper, risus in facilisis ornare, mauris nisl tincidunt nisi, id imperdiet tellus massa eu ligula. Nam eu nunc sit amet nisi lobortis vestibulum. Ut sollicitudin massa massa, ut fringilla tortor faucibus nec. Donec aliquet urna ac ligula porta tristique. Cras dignissim efficitur mi. Etiam iaculis id quam id semper. Pellentesque ultricies eget diam ut cursus. Praesent eu pellentesque quam. Ut imperdiet metus sed lacus eleifend viverra fusce.



Curabitur sollicitudin id tellus feugiat consectetur. Quisque venenatis sapien vitae nulla pharetra, id rhoncus dolor hendrerit. Mauris semper lacinia sem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras cursus odio in elit efficitur, eget tincidunt libero efficitur. Suspendisse ornare fringilla nibh fringilla lobortis. Aliquam auctor erat quis ante gravida, ut pretium mauris pharetra. Phasellus lacus odio, pharetra non felis non, rutrum mollis magna. Phasellus in ex sit amet sapien venenatis fringilla. Nulla consequat lacinia ultrices. Nunc posuere.



Integer rutrum consequat ligula, sit amet iaculis arcu tempus vitae. Morbi justo orci, aliquet ornare nulla id, ullamcorper pharetra est. Maecenas in efficitur quam, sit amet euismod neque. Morbi in est dolor. Nam fermentum elementum aliquam. Vestibulum neque sem, tempor a tempor eget, volutpat ut dui. Maecenas auctor leo tellus, ac varius magna consequat id. Curabitur fermentum nisl sit amet purus vulputate ultricies. Suspendisse pellentesque leo nec nunc aliquet convallis. Morbi in dui viverra, tristique eros vel, suscipit nulla. Nunc bibendum rutrum orci quis tempor. Ut posuere.



Nulla dui enim, auctor ac erat at, tempus vehicula felis. Pellentesque sodales luctus nisi, vel rhoncus libero iaculis eu. Proin vel sapien varius, blandit dui eget, interdum lacus. Vestibulum in eleifend quam. Aenean pretium mi quis lacus rutrum efficitur. Vivamus ac nisi aliquet erat euismod consequat. Pellentesque id lorem mollis, lobortis nunc convallis, porttitor ante. Aenean ante libero, tincidunt vel mattis nec, tincidunt sed orci. Cras quis nunc in nunc gravida tristique. Cras egestas pretium est, sed lacinia ligula laoreet a. Vestibulum nec pharetra diam. Cras eget orci nec dui mollis ornare. Phasellus sit amet velit ut nisl ornare dapibus ut id mauris. Sed ac aliquet mi. Etiam accumsan sed.

Sean's side

Chase — Best Man


Morbi placerat lectus quis augue facilisis egestas. Sed consectetur dignissim massa, quis commodo sapien vehicula eget. Etiam consequat nisi at augue sollicitudin placerat. Nam luctus eros sapien, id ultrices felis blandit ac. Ut et commodo magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur condimentum arcu ac enim imperdiet dictum. Suspendisse fermentum erat ut orci volutpat sagittis. Vestibulum sollicitudin ipsum nec metus rutrum pharetra. Proin id egestas risus. Praesent molestie quam urna, vitae lacinia ipsum viverra blandit. Vestibulum nulla sem, eleifend in bibendum eu, laoreet vel purus. Mauris in accumsan lacus. Etiam volutpat, ligula consectetur fringilla semper, massa lorem accumsan risus, a euismod libero ante non est. Duis cras amet.



Curabitur posuere dolor quis sapien commodo euismod. Nunc quis mi quam. Ut quam magna, tempus non nulla eget, ultricies hendrerit sapien. Vivamus quis suscipit lectus. Nam congue egestas diam, sit amet lacinia magna vulputate in. Fusce lacinia purus sed sagittis scelerisque. Donec eros augue, volutpat pretium venenatis eu, dapibus et velit. Praesent non quam placerat, posuere ligula eget, posuere enim. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In molestie maximus nunc vel consectetur. Morbi vestibulum, justo id accumsan dapibus, lorem lacus condimentum lacus, eget convallis dolor urna hendrerit lacus. Duis lectus turpis, dapibus a lacus ut, euismod sodales nisi. Mauris egestas maximus libero eget lacinia. Integer et blandit nibh. Fusce faucibus nulla eu nunc dignissim sodales. Aliquam euismod eros eget tincidunt pellentesque. Pellentesque tincidunt odio et magna sollicitudin, sed cras amet.



Cras porta augue a tempus semper. Aliquam sollicitudin pulvinar metus, eget tristique lorem scelerisque sed. Suspendisse scelerisque auctor bibendum. Pellentesque at malesuada arcu. Duis vel risus rhoncus tortor dignissim vulputate. Nulla imperdiet sem orci, vel viverra est imperdiet in. Donec ac dui ac dui blandit ullamcorper. In auctor ex dui, id gravida justo pellentesque quis. Morbi non ante eget ante faucibus maximus. Maecenas libero lacus, consectetur nec vulputate tristique, maximus at eros. Sed ultricies placerat sem vitae bibendum. In elementum porttitor arcu nec tincidunt. Aliquam finibus, urna ac mattis aliquet, odio neque hendrerit felis, vitae dapibus quam quam vel sem. Phasellus ut tempus odio. Maecenas eget efficitur felis, quis aliquam nunc. Sed tempus, tellus et egestas commodo, sapien nulla ultricies quam, eget luctus sem nulla ut risus. In pellentesque elit sed massa placerat, eu malesuada dui mattis. Suspendisse vestibulum porta urna, at condimentum lacus aliquet at. Quisque id.



Proin fringilla, lectus a placerat hendrerit, lacus tellus tincidunt ipsum, sodales vehicula sapien tellus id lectus. Proin gravida sit amet lectus vel eleifend. Aenean viverra libero turpis, vel laoreet mauris placerat sed. Suspendisse eu dapibus justo. Sed feugiat, lacus non eleifend elementum, erat nisl auctor justo, in congue massa velit et lorem. Etiam mi ante, placerat et ligula ac, lobortis luctus nisl. Vestibulum tincidunt viverra risus vitae posuere. Sed lacinia augue sed ultrices viverra. Fusce lobortis nunc risus, vitae sollicitudin diam euismod at. Quisque in varius velit, et vulputate tellus. Etiam viverra posuere turpis non commodo. Pellentesque at eros in metus tempus pulvinar. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam in porttitor metus, vitae volutpat massa. Maecenas pulvinar, est non rhoncus malesuada, leo nunc aliquet nibh, vitae bibendum justo velit eget nisl. In egestas suscipit rutrum. Cras auctor ante non eros mollis pellentesque. Praesent non urna mauris. Nam malesuada congue ex at viverra fusce.



In elementum, metus eu egestas convallis, ex elit accumsan ante, ac ullamcorper massa nisl non velit. Fusce maximus eleifend ipsum, a iaculis magna tempor eu. Cras auctor lorem quis mi feugiat, laoreet maximus mauris ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce ut dapibus turpis. Fusce volutpat dapibus lacus, a consectetur sapien tincidunt at. Nunc finibus fringilla orci vitae rhoncus. Integer sodales tincidunt fringilla. Nunc maximus nisi dolor, in volutpat risus tincidunt vestibulum. Praesent vel dolor sed purus luctus finibus vehicula eget ante. Sed dapibus libero mi, porttitor dictum dolor porttitor eu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin sed massa cursus, dictum ex at, gravida risus. Mauris ullamcorper elit eget posuere efficitur. Nam scelerisque lobortis massa, at convallis dolor porta vitae. Morbi pharetra lorem vel est condimentum, in vestibulum augue sagittis. Pellentesque iaculis aliquet mauris, faucibus venenatis magna tempus facilisis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus amet.

Schedule of Events

We're looking forward to celebrating with you! Below, you'll find your personalized schedule of wedding events.

Thursday 4th of September

Trip to Twin Peaks Tavern

Twin Peaks Tavern, 401 Castro St. (at Market), Map

For those who are already in town in the afternoon and interested, join us for a drink at one of the most historic gay bars in San Francisco. A fun and laid-back atmosphere (like a comfortable living room) with big windows out onto a bustling intersection. Serving famous Irish Coffees and other drinks.

Welcome Cocktail Party

Sean and Steve's Apartment, (location removed)

We invite you to join us at our apartment for a cocktail party welcoming everyone to town. Let’s kick off the wedding weekend in style!

Suggested attire: Casual, and bring layers or a jacket for the roof

Friday 5th of September

Rehearsal Dinner Picnic

Golden Gate Park, Stow Lake Boathouse, Map

Join the grooms, wedding party, extended family, and traveling friends for a rehearsal dinner picnic in SF’s beautiful Golden Gate Park. Enjoy BBQ and drinks, play some lawn games, and enjoy San Francisco’s usually beautiful late summer weather. But it's San Francisco, so make sure to bring a jacket. For those traveling from the hotel, a bus will depart at 4:00pm.

Suggested attire: Casual, with layers or a jacket as the sun gets low

Saturday 6th of September

Family Group Photos

Location TBD

You're invited to meet the grooms at a location near the venue for a big group photo before the ceremony begins. We’re getting it out of the way before the ceremony so that everyone can enjoy the cocktail hour. You’ll be able to walk directly from the photo location to the venue.

Wedding Ceremony and Reception

Julia Morgan Ballroom, 465 California St. (at Montgomery), Map

Both the ceremony and reception will take place at the Julia Morgan Ballroom, a historic Beaux Arts ballroom in the Financial District. A short ceremony will be followed by a cocktail hour, dinner, and dancing.

Suggested attire: Dark suits and ties, cocktail dresses

Sunday 7th of September

Farewell Brunch

Galleria Park Hotel, 191 Sutter St. (at Kearny), Map

Join the newlyweds as we recover from all that food, wine, and dancing with a send-off brunch before everybody leaves town. We'll have a private dining room in the hotel and a brunch buffet catered by Gaspar: French toast with maple syrup and citrus fromage blanc, scrambled eggs, breakfast potatoes, bacon, sausage, fruit, pastries, orange juice, coffee, and tea. Feel free to arrive any time before 11:30am, depending on how much of a morning person you are. The cost of the brunch buffet will be $28/adult.

Suggested attire: Casual, or possibly last night’s clothes ;)

Venue Information

The ceremony and reception venue is a historic 15th floor event space in San Francisco's Financial District, with Beaux-Arts/Deco charm and views of the surrounding city lights.

Julia Morgan Ballroom

465 California Street (at Montgomery)
San Francisco, CA 94104
MapVenue Website

The Julia Morgan Ballroom is an event venue occupying the 15th floor of the historic Merchant’s Exchange building in downtown San Francisco. It was the tallest building in San Francisco when it was completed in 1904. Just two years later, it became one of the only buildings to survive the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fires.

The ballroom is named for Julia Morgan, the architect who was brought in to help repair the damage from the earthquake. Still early in her career, she designed the soaring marble lobby and other details. She also moved her offices to the building, where they remained for the rest of her career until 1950. The first licensed female architect in California, Julia Morgan went on to design over 700 buildings, including famous structures such as the The Greek Theatre at U.C. Berkeley and Hearst Castle at San Simeon.

The ballroom was originally the home of the Commercial Club, a social club that’s hosted events for everything from the 1915 Pan-Pacific Exhibition to President Barack Obama’s campaigns. In 1995, the club was renovated and renamed as the Julia Morgan Ballroom, and it continues to host events today. We’re looking forward to adding our event to the list!

Getting to the Venue

Walking from the Galleria Park Hotel:
Exit the hotel and turn right, heading east on Sutter one block to Montgomery Street. Turn left on Montgomery and go north three blocks to California Street. Turn right and the venue will be a half block up on the right in the Merchant’s Exchange Building. If the walk is a bit far, taxis are also available.

Via BART or Muni Metro Underground:
Both BART and Muni Metro stop at Montgomery Station located at Market and Montgomery streets. Exit here and walk north on Montgomery Street three blocks to California Street. Turn right on California Street and the venue will be a half block up on the right in the Merchant’s Exchange Building.

Via car:
We recommend taking public transportation if possible. If driving to the ceremony and reception, the best parking will be available in the Bank of America building parking garage at 555 California Street. The public parking entrance is on the north side of Pine Street between Montgomery and Kearny. The prices are a lot higher during the workweek, but the Saturday rate should be $12 for the entire day. We recommend using Google Maps to find the best driving directions to the parking garage.

Hotel Information

We've chosen a host hotel that's close to the venue for our traveling guests to take advantage of.

Galleria Park Hotel

191 Sutter Street (at Kearny)
San Francisco, CA 94104
MapHotel Website

Located within walking distance of the Julia Morgan Ballroom, the Galleria Park Hotel is comfortable and well-designed. It’s managed by one of our favorite hotel companies (Joie De Vivre), housed in a historic building, and centrally located near the Embarcadero waterfront, the Ferry Building, and the Union Square shopping district. The Montgomery BART/Muni station is also a short walk away, where you can easily hop on a train to other locations in the city. We think it’ll be a fun place for our out-of-town family and friends to call home for a few days! Unfortunately, the room block is now closed, but regular rate rooms may still be available.

Getting to the Hotel

We recommend that you don’t rent a car or drive all the way to downtown for a long-term stay unless you absolutely need to. Parking at the hotel is $42 per night, but everything is easily accessible via public transit or taxi instead. Montgomery Station, which has both BART and Muni Metro Underground trains, is just two short blocks away.

From both SFO and OAK airports:
Taking BART to the hotel is a convenient option, and only $8.25 per person. From SFO, follow airport signs for BART and board any train heading towards downtown San Francisco. From OAK, follow airport signs for the BART shuttle, which will take you to the BART station, and board a San Francisco/Daly City bound train. From either airport, alight at Montgomery Station and exit to Montgomery Street (north of Market). Head one block north on Montgomery to Sutter. Turn left on Sutter and then the hotel will be on the left just before you reach Kearny. More BART information is available from SFO or from OAK. A taxi from SFO directly to the hotel is another option.

From the South Bay:
Because weekday parking downtown and valet parking at the hotel are very expensive, we recommend carpooling or using long-term parking at a peninsula BART station or at SFO and then taking BART into the city. From long-term parking at SFO, you can take a shuttle to any terminal and then follow the directions above to take BART to Montgomery Station, which is a few short blocks from the hotel. More information is available on reserving long-term parking at a BART station or parking at the airport.

Other Hotels

If you're interested in checking out other hotels in the area, there are several good options near the host hotel and the venue. Consider The Omni, The Palace, the Hyatt Regency, or Le Meridien. At the time of writing, our block rate is still the best rate available, but you may be able to find a deal on sites like Hotwire or TripAdvisor.

San Francisco

One of the reasons that we love San Francisco is that there's so much to do! Here are just a few of our favorite restaurants, bars, sights, and other points of interest. If you're visiting, check some of them out!

Advice for San Francisco

  • Wear layers, and always have an extra one with you! San Francisco can change temperatures from moment to moment and neighborhood to neighborhood. Always be prepared!
  • Use Google Maps on your phone with transit directions! It will tell you the fastest way to get from point A to point B using public transportation, and is available for iPhone and Android.
  • Download Uber and use it to call a car if you can’t find a taxi! Taxis work well, but are sometimes hard to find. The Uber app is available for iPhone and Android, and makes calling a hybrid sedan (Uber X), black car, or SUV easy. Billing is handled automatically.

Near the Galleria Park Hotel

Places to Eat and Drink

Gaspar 185 Sutter St. (in the Galleria Park Hotel)

Delicious French food by a well-known SF chef, creative cocktails, and a large wine list by the glass. Conveniently located right inside the host hotel! The bar area upstairs is good for hanging out.

Rickhouse 246 Kearney St.

Excellent craft cocktails in a fun and lively atmosphere characterized by natural wood and wrought iron. An easy half-block walk from the hotel. Just don’t try to order a Cosmo! ;)

Credo 360 Pine St.

Modern Italian food, cocktails, and wine. Good for lunch or dinner on weekdays and dinner on Saturday. Closed Sunday. A short 3 block walk from the hotel.

Irish Bank 10 Mark Ln. (off Bush St.)

Fun Irish pub with beers and pub food. Outdoor seating/standing in their neat private alleyway feels just like Ireland! Just over a block from the hotel.

MKT Bar at the Four Seasons 757 Market St.

A bit pricey, but worth it if you’re looking for an expertly prepared cocktail. Excellent drinks and yummy snacks just off the 5th floor lounge in a stylish oasis above the street. Three blocks from the hotel.

Burritt Tavern 417 Stockton St.

A great place for craft cocktails and snacks in this speakeasy-style bar on the second floor of the Mystic Hotel. Just a little over two blocks from the hotel.

The Cavalier 360 Jessie St. (off 5th St.)

A gourmet twist on traditional British fare, with great drinks as well. Sit in the restaurant or grab drinks at the bar. Make sure to try the Hen Egg Hollandaise and the Fish & Chips. 5-6 blocks from the hotel, but worth the walk! Reservations recommended for dinner.

Salt House 545 Mission St.

Modern American food and cocktails in a beautiful, brick-and-wood space. Try the Poutine. Lunch and dinner on weekdays, dinner on weekends (with reservations recommended). 4-5 blocks from the hotel.

Anchor & Hope 83 Minna St. (off 2nd St.)

Upscale seafood in a converted garage space. Wine and an extensive and interesting beer menu as well. Try the Fish & Chips. Lunch and dinner on weekdays, dinner on weekends (with reservations recommended). 5-6 blocks from the hotel.

Things to See and Do

Ferry Building Marketplace The Embarcadero (end of Market St.)

A great collection of shops and restaurants with a view of the Bay Bridge. Try a seafood breakfast burrito from San Francisco Fish Co., pick up some local cured meats or cheeses, try a fancy coffee, and much more. 9-10 blocks from the hotel, a pleasant 15 minute walk or a short ride on the F-Market streetcar.

Bay Bridge Lights Watch from Pier 14

An art installation that uses the Bay Bridge as its canvas. Every wire on San Francisco’s Bay Bridge is currently adorned with thousands of lights, which create ever-changing patterns and textures. Worth a trip to see them at night! Head to the Embarcadero just south of the Ferry Building.

Union Square Post and Stockton St.

Great for shopping, sightseeing, or just people-watching, San Francisco’s Union Square is a city block sized square surrounded by great shopping and restaurants. If you need to escape the crowds, duck into the historic Westin St. Francis across the street and visit the excellent Clock Bar. An easy three to four block walk from the hotel.

San Francisco City Guides Various locations

These free walking tours of different SF locations and neighborhoods are a great way to learn more about the city and its history. Volunteer guides lead multiple tours each day, and some start near the hotel, so check the website for more details. Sean’s parents have been on several of these tours and have really enjoyed them.

Yerba Buena Gardens Mission between 3rd and 4th St.

A beautiful outdoor park with grass and fountains nestled in the middle of downtown. A great place to grab lunch (from nearby Super Duper Burger or La Boulange) and sit in the sun. On weekdays, they sometimes host free outdoor concerts. Just five blocks from the hotel.

Farther Afield in San Francisco

Places to Eat and Drink

Bourbon & Branch 501 Jones St.

The best (and most fun) cocktails in San Francisco. Not just a bar, it’s a re-creation of a historic speakeasy, complete with non-descript location and secret codes at the door. Reservations are required and can be made on their website. Walking works, but a taxi can be preferable as the walk isn’t that nice.

Tartine Bakery 600 Guerrero St.

Venturing out of downtown, the best pastries in San Francisco are found at this bakery in the Mission Dolores neighborhood. Be ready to wait in line after 10am. Try the Morning Bun or the Gougere. Grab a pastry and coffee to go, then walk to Dolores Park and sit in the sun!

Bi-Rite Creamery 3692 18th St.

Homemade organic ice cream right across the street from Dolores Park! Stand in line on the sidewalk and grab a cup or cone, or skip the line and grab a pint inside to share. Try the Salted Caramel or the Brown Sugar with Ginger Caramel Swirl.

Blackbird 2124 Market St.

A stylish neighborhood bar with excellent cocktails and beers just a block from Sean and Steve’s apartment. Grab a window table and watch the passers-by or play a game of pool on the table in the back. Make sure to bring cash, as the bar is cash-only.

Pesce 2223 Market St.

Venetian-style Italian and cocktails with lots of seafood and small plates for sharing. Try the Maiale al Latte (gnocchi with pork) or the Polpo (braised octopus). Reservations are available for dinner, but if you’re on the early side you can probably walk in. Good for lunch as well! Right across the street from Sean and Steve’s apartment.

Mission Beach Cafe 198 Guerrero St.

A great place for brunch (very popular) or dinner (easier to get in). Delicious California ingredients, amazing pancakes and French toast, and "giant" mimosas in big bordeaux glasses. What more could one want? Near Sean and Steve’s apartment.

Little Star Pizza 400 Valencia St.

Try the pizza that started it all! Sean and Steve had it on their first date, they had it when Steve proposed, and they generally have it as often as they can. Excellent deep-dish with a cornmeal crust or thin crust. You may have to wait a bit for a table, but it’s worth it. Unfortunately, they do take-out but not delivery.

Trick Dog 3010 20th St.

The hippest and most creative cocktails in SF are at this small, trendy bar in the Mission. With creative rotating menus imitating Pantone color swatches, record collections, or Zodiac wheels, you’re sure to find something interesting and surprisingly delicious.

Locanda 557 Valencia St.

Excellent homemade pasta and other Italian food with great cocktails in the Mission. On bustling Valencia, it’s fun to walk around before or after dinner and do some hipster-watching. It’s a popular place, so advance reservations are highly recommended.

Sweet Maple 2101 Sutter St.

A popular brunch place in SF for both breakfast and lunch food. Try the “millionaire’s bacon”.

Mama’s 1701 Stockton St.

An SF brunch institution in North Beach. Prepare to wait in a very long line, but you'll be rewarded with excellent brunch food, killer omlettes, benedicts, French toast, and much more.

Things to See and Do

Corona Heights Park Roosevelt Way and Museum Way

A 15 minute trek uphill from Sean and Steve’s apartment, this beautiful park provides some of the best views of San Francisco and great photo opportunities. This is where the grooms had their engagement photos taken. Use Google Maps for walking directions.

Beach Blanket Babylon 678 Green St.

A San Francisco institution for over 40 years, this musical revue and comedy show in North Beach offers hilarious impressions, rapid-fire references, and the most humongous wigs you’ve ever seen. A must-see while in SF. Get a bottle of wine for the show, trust us.

Mission Dolores Park 19th and Dolores St.

A lovely and popular neighborhood park near Sean and Steve’s apartment, the park has ample room to enjoy the sun and a great view of the city from the northwest corner. Although half of the park is currently under construction, you can still enjoy the other half on a sunny day.

de Young Museum and California Academy of Sciences Golden Gate Park

Two world-class museums right next to each other in the vast and beautiful Golden Gate Park. The de Young features a diverse collection of art in a striking copper building with an observation tower, and the Cal Academy is a natural history museum featuring animals, a rainforest dome, and a living roof. After the museum, take some time to explore the rest of the park.

Twin Peaks Scenic Vista Christmas Tree Point

The classic view of downtown San Francisco, slightly higher up that Corona Heights Park and with more sweeping views. A great place for a photo, and wonderful sights day or night. Unfortunately, it’s really only accessible via car.

Marriage Equality 101

We're incredibly fortunate to live in a time when our marriage will be recognized by our state and national governments. But it hasn't always been this way. Here's a short overview of the history of marriage equality in California and the US.

Although same-sex couples have existed throughout recorded history, the first legally recognized same-sex marriages in modern times have only occurred since the beginning of the 21st century. The Netherlands was the first country to enact marriage equality in 2001, and since then, 15 other countries have done the same, including Spain, Canada, Sweden, Brazil, France, and New Zealand.

In the United States, same-sex couples can now legally marry in 19 states and the District of Columbia, and every state in the union either has marriage equality or a pending legal challenge to their ban. We’ve come a long way since 2004, just ten years ago, when Massachusetts became the first state to recognize same-sex marriage by state supreme court ruling.

Sean and Steve marching for marriage equality

Of all the states, California has been the most contested battleground for marriage equality. San Francisco led the charge in 2004 when the mayor instructed city officials to begin issuing same-sex marriage licenses, citing the state constitution’s equal protection clause. For one month between February and March, 4,000 couples came from all over to get married in San Francisco, but in March, the Supreme Court of California halted the marriages and voided those that had already been granted. San Francisco’s challenge to the underlying ban on the marriage of same-sex couples was eventually combined with others from around the state, and in 2008, the California Supreme Court ruled that marriage equality was indeed guaranteed by the state constitution. On June 16, 2008, all of California began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Unfortunately, trouble was once again just around the corner. In 2008, opponents of marriage equality finally succeeded in getting a measure on the state ballot that would strip same-sex couples of their newly recognized right to marry by amending the California state constitution. Thanks to truckloads of out-of-state money, much of it from the Mormon and Catholic churches, that measure, called Proposition 8, passed with 52% of the vote, in the same election in which Barack Obama was first elected President. After only five months, same-sex marriage was once again on hold in California, although the state continued to recognize the marriages of same-sex couples that occurred between the Supreme Court’s decision striking down the ban on same-sex marriage and the passage of Proposition 8.

The next year, in 2009, David Boies and Ted Olson (the two lawyers famous for opposing each other in the Bush v. Gore case that decided the 2000 presidential election) jointly filed a challenge to Proposition 8 in federal court on behalf of two same-sex couples. In August of 2010, the federal district court ruled that Proposition 8 was unconstitutional, but the ruling was stayed for appeals. Both governor Jerry Brown and state attorney general Kamala Harris declined to appeal the case, stating that the law was indefensible. However, the proponents of Proposition 8 (funded by the National Organization for Marriage) controversially appealed the decision in their place, and the case eventually made it to the US Supreme Court as Hollingsworth v. Perry in 2012. At that point, same-sex marriage had been on hold in California for almost four years.

At the federal level, congress had passed the so-called Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, which prevented the federal government from recognizing any legal marriage other than one between a man and a woman. In 2010, a lawsuit was filed in federal court by Edith Windsor, who was legally married to her wife Thea Spyer and then denied the estate tax benefits that married couples receive when Thea passed away. That case was decided in favor of the plaintiffs and appealed to the US Supreme Court in 2012 as United States v. Windsor.

Luckily for us, there’s a happy ending. On June 26, 2013, almost five years after the right to marry was stripped from same-sex couples in California, the US Supreme Court issued two landmark rulings for marriage equality on the same day. First, in the case of Proposition 8 in California, the Supreme Court ruled that the surrogate defendants of the law did not have standing to appeal, and the original decision from the federal district court became the law of the land, effectively reinstating marriage equality in California. Second, in the case of DOMA, the US Supreme Court ruled that the section preventing the federal government from recognizing legal same-sex marriages was unconstitutional, enabling the federal government to begin recognizing same-sex marriages from all of the states that grant them.

Kristin Perry and Sandra Stier getting married in San Francisco City Hall

We both remember that day well, because we were there to witness history. When we got wind of the decisions, we both left work and hurried to San Francisco City Hall, where we were able to witness Kamala Harris preside over the marriage of Kristin Perry and Sandra Stier, two of the plaintiffs in the Proposition 8 case. They were followed by a flood of other overjoyed same-sex couples, in town for the San Francisco Pride festivities that weekend. Every corner of City Hall was filled with an endless stream of marriage ceremonies. We were so fortunate to be there to see history in the making, just as we’re fortunate to be able to enjoy full legal recognition of our marriage now thanks to the countless hours of hard work and struggle from those who came before us.

Gift Registry Information

For those who wish to give a gift, we've registered at several locations.

If you'd like to give a gift to contribue to fun activities, food, and drinks on our honeymoon, click below to check out all the honeymoon details over at Wanderable. Wanderable Honeymoon Registry

We're also registered at the following stores, just click below. Crate & Barrel Registry Bloomingdale's Registry