New Version of SparkStats Wordpress Plugin Released
I’ve just released a new version of my SparkStats Wordpress plugin. The new version is the result of lots of feedback from users (for which I am eternally thankful). It fixes some bugs and adds some nice new features as well. Here’s the changelog:
v0.3 - (16 Aug 2006) First major revision. Changes include:
- Bars can now represent days, weeks, or months.
- The background color can now be set via an option.
- The rendering interval can now be set via an option.
- A live preview of the current SparkStats graph is now included on the options page.
- “Invalid foreach” bug fixed.
Many thanks to Steffen S, Joshua W, Stefan P, Eli F, Henri L, Piotr U, Sean H, Adrian G, Lech, Amit K, Billy G, Zac Z, and everyone else who sent be feedback on the first version. Sorry it took so long!
Go check it out! As always, let me know what you think. I’m always open to bug reports and feature requests.
Comments (2 So Far)
Sam’s random musings » Installing the (New!) SparkStats Wordpress Plugin says:
[…] So, I finally got around to updating my SparkStats Wordpress plugin. The original was a big hit, but over the past five months I’ve heard back from users about one big bug and lots of features that needed fixing and adding. Well, rejoice, because I finally took a break, sat down, and forced myself to incorporate all the feedback and release something new. […]
Oskar Syahbana says:
Wow it’s been a while for me to visit this blog, still with this striking design
. Anyway, the plugin works great on my other site and it’s a very nifty quicklook on my blog stats. Thanks!
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