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Mon 7 Feb 2005 1:32am
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Man, talk about overshooting the mark. I just watched the superbowl halftime show, and I must say, they’ve set a new standard for morals, decency, and boredom. Now, I like the Beatles as much as any other casual listner, but “Hey Jude” is not the kind of upbeat song I’m looking for in a halftime show finale. And the set? A stage with one guy for the whole time? No hidden platforms, no surprise guests, no crazy dancers on stilts? Oh well. That’s what we get from an organization that’s paranoid of being sued. The most upstanding halftime show in the world with no risks.

In other news, I’ve lost my Biology lab notebook after one day of lab. It was a $16 notebook with a bunch of blank, numbered pages, and I already had two labs in it. How could I possibly lose something that fast? I refuse to buy another one, however. I will find this one, even if it means putting my labs on napkins until the end of the semester.

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Sean McBride
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Boston, MA - Billings, MT

"Fox Friends Dog Gang!"

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