Waco, TX - Day 2
Oh man! Yet another awesome day in Waco! I guess this place is just really fun by nature. My cousin’s friends are totally bomb, people here are really friendly in general, AND Dr. Pepper is practically the official state drink, all of which suits me just fine. Also, the weather is MUCH better than Boston right now. Sorry to all of you up in New England that are enduring slushy snow and rain right now. I’ve been enjoying the sun all day!
This morning, we got up and headed out to the big homecoming football game. On the way we stopped by a spirit store and purchased some Baylor shirts so we could better take on the role of rabid fan. Then we headed to the game, headed inside, and proceeded to watch what was possibly one of the worst officiated games in history. I mean, EVERY call was bad for Baylor, even if it was “in their favor”. Also, Baylor’s defense was great, and they held Tech at bay with no problems, but after 3 quarters with the crummy offense not being able to make ANY progress, they finally crumbled. We actually made 2 touchdowns, both of which were negated by calls from the refs. I really felt like we lost to the officials instead of the other team. Oh well. It was still a really fun experience. Hot dogs are the best at sporting events.
After the game, we came back to Scott’s house and just chilled for a while being lazy and napping. Then we got up and went out to dinner with a bunch of Scott’s friends for some Texas BBQ at Rudy’s. There’s something beautiful about a half pound of barbeque beef brisket and corn on the cob. And more Dr. Pepper. It was good.
After dinner, one of Scott’s friends invited us to play some bingo at a local bingo place. Now, I have only ever experienced bingo at the local fair. It is far from what I would call “exciting.” But this bingo? Holy cow! I had no clue that bingo could be so intense. We all came in and instantly felt out of place. Everyone in the room was silent just intently hammering away on their sheets with their paint pens, intent on winning. And the numbers! Numbers are literally called out at a pace of about 2 per second. Some people play up to 6 boards at a time. I was having trouble just keeping up with one. It was sheer insanity! So, we sit down at a table not having any idea what to do or even which boards to play on at what times. Luckily, two nice ladies near us (who have been there all day) think we’re funny, so they patiently explain what is going on and soon we’re playing along, trying hard not to miss any of the numbers that are flying by. We were trying not to laugh, but it was really funny, and we kept getting shushed by all the “no nonsense” hardcore old people around us. Finally, one of our new friends at the table turns around to a particularly obnoxious lady at the next table over and says, “I don’t need to shush honey. I PAID to be here.” And we’re all like, “Ohhhhhh snap!” It was fantastic. Some of the most fun I’ve ever had. I’d like to nominate bingo as a new extreme sport.
Then, after bingo, we went and hung out at Scott’s friends’ apartment. I discovered that I had a lot of musical tastes in common with Brittany (one of Scott’s friends,) and she burned me the Frou Frou CD. Sweet. It was just a really chill time and we laughed a lot about random things. We were also visited by the girls’ other roommate dressed up as a Derilicht model from Zoolander and another group of girls dressed up as the 1984 Russian Women’s Olympic Gymnastics Team. Funny stuff.
Tomorrow, we’re getting up and going to Scott’s church with some of his friends. Then we’re going to come back and take off for the airport so I can head back to slushy Boston. I wish I got to do this more often. I also wish we had a workload that allowed for some fun once in a while. Oh well.
( Side note: My cousin Scott is just now talking in his sleep on the futon. It sounds like a made-up mixture of Russian and Spanish. Hilarious.)
I’ve had a great time in Waco. Talk to y’all again from the great white north(east)!
Comments (3 So Far)
Aunt Sharolyn says:
only this is from your Cousin Shari…..Just a little curious how your “Baylor Shits” worked out? I think you ment to type shirts???
derrick says:
you were in tejas?!? oh man, i wish i would’ve known… not that i would’ve gotten to waco or anything (not that i could’ve gotten to waco or anything). hope you enjoyed the state… i’m sure the weather up there was better than in houston (yaaaay humidity!). oh, and if you like frou frou, check out imogen heap’s new solo album (she’s the girl in frou frou). i haven’t had time to listen to it, but my friend highly recommended it to me. oh, and by the way… you might want to check out that typo about the baylor spirit store, potty mouth
Andrea says:
You don’t know me but I was doing a search on “Fun Runs” in Waco, TX and this Blog popped up. Anyhoo, I am a long time Waco resident so naturallyt eh Blog made me curious. Glad you enjoyed Waco and the Dr. Pepper. I am now in Austin, TX and miss Waco. espically since to day is Thanksgivigna nd I am at work and not with my family eating Turkey! Go Bears! (Did they lose the game- they are known for being the worst team in the Big 12)
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